10-Minute Calf Burnout

Let me start off by saying that I am really bad at working out my calves with isolation moves. I usually work out my calves when I do other leg exercises like lunges or jumping jacks. Exercises as those target the calves indirectly. However, to really get good, muscular calves, some isolation movement is necessary. Personally, that is what I want – I want some head-turning calves.

Therefore, I have challenged myself to include at least five minutes of calf isolation exercises at the end of each leg workout. That means, I will be working out my calves at least 2-3 times per week. That may not sound like a lot to some people, but for someone like me who does it maybe once a week, it is a great increase.

So with that said, today I brought you a 10-minute calf burnout workout that includes some of my favorite calf exercises. This workout uses a time interval style, so if you are short on time, you can always cut it down to five minutes and do each move once instead of twice. Either way, your calves are being used and worked on.

***Scroll to the bottom of the post for the complete written workout and graphics.

Equipment Needed

These exercises can be done with just bodyweight, but if you want greater results and soreness, use some sort of weight. That can be dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell.

Structure of Workout

This workout consists of five calf-focused exercises. Each exercise will be done for 55 seconds with a 5-second rest period between each time interval. Each exercise will be done twice.

Exercise Descriptions

Calf raises

In an upright position, hold dumbbells in both hands with legs in a shoulder-width stance and feet facing forward. Lift the heels of your feet up until you feel a small pressure on your calves. Squeeze the calves and lower back down. 

Inward calf raises

In an upright position, hold dumbbells in both hands with legs in a shoulder-width stance and feet turned inwards so that the tip of the big toes are almost facing each other. Once in this position, lift the heels of your feet up until you feel a small pressure on your calves. Squeeze the calves and lower back down.

Outward calf raises

In an upright position, hold dumbbells in both hands with legs in a shoulder-width stance and feet turned outwards so that the heels of the feet are almost facing each other. Once in this position, lift the heels of your feet up until you feel a small pressure on your calves. Squeeze the calves and lower back down.

Dbl pulse calf raises

In an upright position, hold dumbbells in both hands with legs in a shoulder-width stance and feet facing forward. Lift the heels of your feet up until you feel a small pressure on your calves. Squeeze the calves. Next, only lower back down halfway and come back up to squeeze the calves once more before lowering all the way back down.

Note: If you find it too difficult to do calf pulses with weights, then put the weights down and just use bodyweight. You can also hold onto a wall with your hands for greater support.

Ventral jumps

In an upright position, lift the heels off the floor to jump your body straight up, making your feet come off the floor. As your feet come back down to touch the floor, only allow the front part of the foot/toes to reach the floor before jumping back up. Continue doing ventral jumps until time is up.

10-Minute Calf Burnout

Duration: 10 minutes

Structure: 55 seconds active, 5 second rest, 2x


Calf raises

Inward calf raises

Outward calf raises

Dbl pulse calf raises

Ventral jumps

I always feel my calves burning by the end of the last few intervals, which is a pleasant feeling. If you also felt your calves burning by the end of this workout, come back, and let me know.

For a longer leg workout, pair it up with this  Butt and Thigh Workout.

Featured workout apparel – Parcae Apparel.

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