5 Minute Bridge Challenge – Nonstop Butt Lifting Workout

Bridges are a great way to lift the butt with no squats or deadlifts. Bridges hone in the butt in a knee friendly and non-quad focused way if done properly. This means that as you bridge up, you don’t overarch your back, your hips align with your chest in a flat line and hips are evenly leveled on each side once you reach the top, and you squeeze the glutes at the top of the motion.

As for your feet position, start off in a shoulder width stance. Depending on the bridge variation, this width stance may change. Additionally, whether your feet should be more towards your butt or more forward depends on where they feel more comfortable and in what distance you are able to feel it more on the glutes. This means you may have to play around a bit with your feet stance to see what best works for you.

Once you have learned to properly bridge or if you need more practice but a challenge at the same time, then come on and do this five-minute bridge challenge. This quick challenge goes through four different bridge variations. And as with our usual five-minute challenges, each move is done for 30 seconds with no rest between moves so that we can always keep the tension up.

Obviously if you need a break, take a few moments, but jump right back into the move as quickly as possible. Furthermore, this challenge requires no equipment. All you need is yourself and the will to power through this workout. Once you are ready, click on the link below for the follow along video.

Workout Video

Written Workout

5 Minute Bridge Challenge – Nonstop Butt Lifting Workout

Duration: 5 minutes

Structure: 30 seconds active, no rest, 2x each



Single leg bridge (L)

Single leg bridge (R)

Alternating leg lift bridge

Marching bridge

Workout Graphics

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